When marketing your business, you have to stay on your toes. If you don’t already have a holiday marketing plan in place, now is the time to start developing it. One of the best ways to generate ideas for marketing strategies that you can use to create holiday buzz surrounding your business’s products and/or services is to take what has worked for others and replicate it in your own way. If you’ve reached this article after searching for your own marketing ideas, you’re in the right place!
Today, Davant Indy will be exploring seven ways to create holiday buzz for your products. If you’re looking for some inspiration in terms of marketing strategies you can utilize this upcoming holiday season, these tips will serve you well.
1. Show Gratitude to Your Customers
With the holiday season comes holiday shopping. During this season, consumers will spend a lot of time debating when and where to spend their money on holiday gifts. For this reason, even your most loyal customers may consider shopping somewhere else.
If your goal is to pull potential shoppers back into your shop, you have to let them know that they’re your primary concern. If your holiday marketing strategy is centered around keeping shoppers loyal to your brand, showing gratitude is one of the best ways to do so.
Show your customers how valuable they are to your business. There are various ways to do this, but some of the best strategies are actually quite simple – Sending out personalized thank you cards, for example.
2. Start Planning Your Marketing Campaign Early
When developing a holiday marketing strategy, too many businesses wait too long to get started. If you really want to create a marketing strategy that generates holiday buzz, you need to start early. Think about it this way- your customer base is likely to start thinking about holiday shopping well before December rolls around, and you’ll need to do the same if you plan to earn their business. Capture the audience that starts shopping early by sending out seasonal offers and holiday advertisements well ahead of time. Make sure your brand is the first on their mind once their holiday shopping begins.
3. Harness the Power of Email Marketing
The holiday season is a busy one for almost everyone, and this means that your target audience is likely to have less time for phone calls, for example. One method of communication they are likely to keep up with, however, is email. For this reason, you should harness the power of email marketing to create holiday buzz. Throughout the holiday season, you can use an effective email marketing strategy to send out seasonal offers and discounts that catch your customer’s attention. They want a deal more than ever- make sure you’re first in line to give it to them.
4. Organize a Holiday Event and Send Out Personalized Invites
Depending on your business, inviting customers to a special holiday event in order to showcase your products could be an incredible way to boost sales. You can also use this special event to build your reputation as a company and spread the word about your offerings. There’s no better way to create some holiday buzz than to send out personalized invites to each of your attendees ahead of time.
5. Advertise in a Way That Draws in Last Minute Shoppers
Sometimes, businesses fail to tap into the market of last-minute shoppers. This is a huge mistake as procrastination shoppers make up a quarter of all holiday sales. So how can you get their attention? We recommend advertising your products with clever taglines such as “For the One Who Already Has Everything” to draw in this potential market.
It’s also crucial that you make top-notch customer service a priority during this period of time, with the expectation that your customers will be hard to please. Follow deals going on in your area during the holiday season and take note of how they play out. If possible, converse with other business owners about how their last-minute holiday shopping deals are playing out, and use this information to your advantage when creating your own.
6. Design Personalized Holiday Cards
Personalized methods of communication with your loyal customer base are another of the best ways to create holiday buzz around your products. The best way to communicate with these customers is by making them feel special through the use of personalized holiday cards. Whether digital or printed holiday cards, use this opportunity to showcase your latest offers while wishing your most loyal customers a happy holiday season.
7. Make Holiday Promotions More Than an Afterthought
Finally, the more thought that you put into a holiday promotion, the more successful it is likely to be and the more business you will get out of it. From roughly mid-October through the holiday season, positioning yourself to capture the most holiday business possible should be the main priority- not just an afterthought. While these are busy times for everyone, you don’t want to slip up and let yourself get distracted during all of the hustle and bustle. Stay focused on the quality of your holiday promotions, and remember that all of your communications should tie back to your holiday promotions in some way.
Print Marketing Providers That Create the Holiday Buzz You Need This Season
Now that you know 7 of the best ways to create holiday buzz for your products this upcoming holiday season, it’s time to work with a print marketing provider that knows how to make your holiday promotions a success. Here at Davant Indy, we specialize in a variety of print marketing services in Greenfield, Indiana ranging from design and printing to mailing and promotional products.
Our experts can take your vision and create printed materials that take your overall marketing strategy to the next level just in time for the busy holiday season. Contact us today to see what we can do for you, and don’t forget to check out our Work page for examples of how we’ve helped businesses just like yours in the past!
Photo by Laura Gomez on Unsplash