Marketing strategies have changed for companies around the globe. When marketing teams sit down to discuss distribution channels, they often consider email, television, radio, their website, and social media. With so much concentration on digital marketing asserts, print media often gets overlooked or neglected altogether.
However, there are still some perks to print marketing, especially when these materials are combined with digital platforms to create one cohesive user or customer experience. With fewer businesses relying on print, converging these two strategies can help your business stand out from the competition. Providing a tangible piece of material to show off is still one of the best ways to build trust with customers and grow your reputation in the community.
The Reach of Social Media is Important
Incorporating social media into your marketing strategy gives your business access to hundreds, even thousands, of potential clients and customers. Not only are the platforms free to use, they also allow you to share endless amounts of content across multiple different accounts, and yet these reaches can be extremely targeted based on your geolocations, sponsored ads, and setting.
Customers use social media to build community and to find things in common with their favorite brands or strangers. As a business, it’s your job to make customers feel heard and build a community that doesn’t focus so much on selling. Your content should inspire, inform, entertain, and engage your followers in some way. If you’re not meeting a need on these channels, you’re already missing the mark on your strategy.
Develop Quality Print Materials
Print materials may not be as popular as they once were, but that doesn’t mean you should exclude them from your marketing strategy. Catalogs, brochures, leaflets, and flyers give your business the opportunity to print quality content on quality materials that you can put directly in the hands of consumers. Unlike digital platforms, your mailers and leaflets can be touched and examined. Even with a strict social media campaign, there’s no guarantee that your content will be seen, but with print marketing, you can ensure materials make their way into homes and other businesses.
Combining Forces: Print Marketing with Social Media Marketing
Social media campaigns and quality print products each have their unique place in your strategy. So how do you combine the two to create a cohesive message?
One-way businesses like yours have found success is by providing links to their social pages on their printed materials. This could be the use of each social media icon or a call to action such as “Like Us on Facebook.” Don’t be afraid to get creative with placement. Take advantage of household items and print these logos on pens, mugs, or even cutting boards. You could even entice followers and direct more eyeballs to your social media platforms by printing contest details or giveaways on some of your materials during a promotional campaign.
If your marketing team is feeling really creative, they could provide QR Codes on postcards, flyers, and even t-shirts, that your customers can snap and then interact with your brand, either through information about a new product or a giveaway. No matter how you decide to integrate your strategy, print and social media marketing can complement one another, and both should still be used by your team.
Trust the Team at Davant
Here at Davant, we help you break through the competition with our print designs and marketing tools that help capture your audience’s attention. If you’re ready to combine your social media marketing with unique and colorful print materials, mailers, signs, or apparel, contact our Greenfield office today!
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