The holiday season is approaching, and as a business owner, it’s time to start thinking about how to show appreciation to your customers and make an impact. While there are many digital ways to send holiday greetings, physical holiday cards remain a timeless gesture that can truly go a long way. If you’re interested in exploring why physical holiday cards are the perfect choice for your business this holiday season, let Davant Indy explain!

Reasons Holiday Cards Make a Great Impression

Personal Touch 

Physical cards show your customers that you took the time to think about them individually. Writing a personal message inside the card creates a special connection between you and your client. It’s a way to show them they are more than just a number to you. With so much communication happening digitally, receiving a physical card in the mail can be a refreshing change that stands out in their memory.


A physical holiday card is an excellent opportunity for branding your business through design, color, and messaging. By including your company’s logo and signature colors, you can familiarize your clients with your brand even more. The card’s design, such as a custom illustration or a fun pun, can leave a lasting impression on your clients.


A physical card is unbeatable when it comes to tangibility. The recipient can hold the card in their hand, feel the paper, and even display it on their desk. It reminds your company that they can physically interact with and appreciate beyond the digital realm.


Sending physical holiday cards is a traditional practice. While business communications are largely digital, there is something special about receiving a physical card in the mail. Your clients may appreciate the nod to tradition, which can build rapport and a sense of nostalgia that’s hard to replicate.


As we noted earlier, the physical card has the power of tangibility which means it will stand out in the minds of your clients. Even with the influx of digital messages, a physical card can be a breath of fresh air that clients may be more likely to remember than an email.

Adding a Personalized Touch to Your christmas Cards to clients

Adding extra personalization to your Christmas cards can make your clients feel truly cherished and valued. So, how can you enhance the personal touch? Here are a few tips:

  • Use Their Names: Start by addressing your clients by name – getting this right is critical. It sends the message that they are important to you and you value your relationship with them.
  • Personal Message: Inside the card, write a short, handwritten note. It could be a fond memory of a project you completed together or a shared milestone achieved in the past year. This shows that you’ve put thought into your message and remember and value your interactions with them.
  • Signatures: It’s a small touch, but hand-signing the card instead of using a printed signature can do wonders. If possible, have the card signed by the team members who work directly with the client. This adds a more personal connection.
  • Custom Illustrations or Photographs: Depending on your relationship with the client, including a custom illustration or a photograph of your team can make the card feel more personal and authentic.

Woman's hands writing Christmas card

Why Choosing Professionally Printed Christmas Cards is Far Superior

Choosing professionally printed Christmas cards over buying standard store-bought versions offers a multitude of benefits. Firstly, custom-printed cards offer a degree of personalization that store-bought cards can’t match. You control every design aspect, from the color scheme to the typography. This allows your brand’s personality to shine through, differentiating you from your competitors and making your card more memorable for the recipients.

Secondly, the quality of professionally printed cards tends to be significantly higher than that of store-bought options. Using superior cardstock and printing techniques results in a product that looks more premium and feels more luxurious to the touch. This visceral, tactile experience can create a powerful impression, conveying your company’s commitment to quality and attention to detail.

Lastly, professionally printed cards give you the opportunity to showcase your commitment to sustainability. By choosing eco-friendly cardstock and printing methods, you communicate your brand’s values and dedication to protecting the environment, which can resonate strongly with environmentally conscious clients.

Happy New Year

Choosing the Right Cardstock for Your Christmas Cards

When it comes to making an impression with your holiday cards, the type of cardstock you choose can make a significant difference. The cardstock’s thickness, texture, and finish can add a certain level of elegance and professionalism to your cards. Here are a few cardstock types you may want to consider:

  • Matte Cardstock 

Matte cardstock is an excellent choice for a sophisticated and modern look. It has a smooth, non-glossy surface that absorbs ink well, making colors appear soft and vibrant. It’s ideal for detailed designs or cards containing intricate typography, offering excellent readability.

  • Glossy Cardstock 

Glossy cardstock is the way to go if you’re looking for a shiny, reflective finish. This type of cardstock can make colors pop and add a luxurious feel to your cards. However, be aware that fingerprints and smudges can be more visible on this type of paper.

  • Linen Cardstock 

Linen cardstock has a unique, textured surface that’s reminiscent of linen fabric. It’s perfect for adding an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to your cards. This type of cardstock is great for both formal and elegant designs.

  • Recycled Cardstock 

If sustainability is a key part of your brand, consider using recycled cardstock for your holiday cards. It’s an eco-friendly option that doesn’t compromise on quality and can be a great way to convey your company’s commitment to the environment.

  • Premium Thick Cardstock 

For a truly luxurious feel, premium thick cardstock is the ultimate choice. This heavy, sturdy paper screams quality and sophistication, making a strong impression on your clients.

Remember, the type of cardstock you choose can speak volumes about your company and its values. Therefore, it’s worthwhile investing time in selecting the right cardstock for your Christmas cards.

Wrapping It Up

As you can see, investing in professionally printed Christmas cards to send to clients and customers is undoubtedly worth the effort. The personal touch, superior quality, and potential for eco-friendly messaging such cards provide can significantly enhance your brand’s image, foster stronger client relationships, and contribute to your overall business success. So, this holiday season, consider stepping away from the aisles of generic store-bought cards and embrace the value and impact that professionally printed Christmas cards from Davant Indy can bring to your business.

Let’s design, print, and mail your cards today!